Nicholas Dahlia

  • Fully open Nicholas bloom in the center showing a softer orange in the older flower with hints of yellow and bits of red down near the center of the bloom.
  • Focused on the center of the bloom to show the yellow veining at the center of the peachy orange petals.
  • Two flowers, one fully bloomed the other on a longer stalk over the top is just starting to open.
  • The flower here fills the picture and is just starting to open. The red tones at the center where the petals start can be seen as well as a bit of yellow near the center of each petal.
  • Droplets of water sit on the petals of this flower, which fills the frame.
  • This photo was taken inside the house with artificial light, which makes the orange a more vivid color.
  • Big Nicholas blooms are orange with a red accented center.
  • The bloom of Nicholas fills the frame, with the red hints at the center and orange outer petals.
  • Two blooms are stacked on top of each other and surrounded by green leaves.

Nicholas Dahlias are a nice 4 foot plant producing big blooms. Although described as a peachy colored, we think in our marine climate the plant presents a darker nearly orange color. There is yellow veining in the center of the petals. This flower is a late bloomer, but still beat some of our plants to bloom. The plant has been producing nice long stems.

Considering Nichole’s love of flowers with sunset colors, and the fact the name Nichole comes from Nicholas (note the H in the middle), we purchased a tuber because sometimes we obsess about flowers. We saw photos of Nicholas on some social media sites and began to dream about it. So we purchased it at the end of the 2021 spring and being a late bloomer, it never made it to bloom. We finally got to lay eyes on this striking bloom in summer 2022. We expected it to be a new favorite, but its been eclipsed by Andrew Charles. Still, we reserve the right to fall in love with Nicholas, the hints of red at the center falling away to orange petals and will try it in vase with a few other flowers to see how the colors play out.

Attributes of Nicholas Dahlias

Height – 4 feet

Color – Orange

Bloom Size – 6″

Bloom Style – Informal Decorative

Bloom Time – ~120 days

In a horizontal picture, this shows the open petals of a Andrew Charles Dahlia.
Fully expecting to love the yellow and orange combo of Nicholas, we find Andrew Charles is stealing the show.