Summers End Dahlia

  • Image of Summers End Dahlias with a bloom angled up showing soft pink petals with subtle yellow center.
  • Focused on the center of this Summers End Dahlia, the outer petals are a soft blush pink with a yellow center.
  • This image shows the flower angled up and the blush pink outer petals fade to a central soft yellow providing a feel of sunrise.

Summers End dahlias are big soft colored blooms for the romantic at heart. The bloom comes on a nice strong stem and the plant seems to be moderately vigorous. We were warned that the tubers tend to be small, but have learned it’s not the size of the tuber that makes a good plant. Several of our biggest plants in 2022 came from last chance tubers that were maybe an inch long.

We are still getting to know Summers End Dahlias. It was ironic that the first year we grew this variety, it didn’t bloom until summers end because it got placed in a part of the dahlia patch with poorer soil. The bloom is beautiful in color and a good size. We think this bloom has all the romantic feels . We are not sure why we picked this variety in our fifth year of growing it maybe looking for those soft tones for bouquets earlier in the summer. Or perhaps it was a fleeting obsession with waterlily style blooms, as many tubers we added the same year were also waterlily form.

Attributes of Summers End Dahlias

Height – 4 feet

Color – Peach with hints of yellow.

Bloom Size – 5″

Bloom Style – Waterlily

Bloom Time – ~90 day

Honeymoon dahlias are s soft creamy light orange.
Like Summers End, Honeymoon dahlias have a dreamy soft and inviting color scheme.