Dragonberry Dahlia

  • Dew kissed Dragonberry flower
  • Typical presentation of Dragonberry dahlia.
  • Dragonberry bloom before petals fully curl.
  • Semicactus bloom that is bright pink at edges with a yellow to the center.
  • Dragonberry dahlia showing yellow center and radial bright pink petals.
  • In the sun, the semi cactus like coral pink blooms rests with the center facing the bottom left corner. Blue skies are in the back ground.
  • Two blooms are visible here. The bloom in the top half is open, but the bottom bloom is still opening.
  • Two tuber masses from the 2022 Dragonberry plants. We only grew two. These are nice and healthy tubers with pretty crowns easy to divide.

The Dragonberry Dahlias has been a favorite on the farm and with friends gifted bouquets. The lovely flashy hot pink petals with vivid yellow center looks great in a bouquet of its own, or mixed with other flowers. It can throw a tropical vibe to arrangements or provide that fiery sunset feel. This dahlia is considered a semicactus form and has a nice longevity in the vase. Flowers have decent stems. The plant forms several blooms and responds well to dead heading. The petals will curl as they move away from the center of the flower.

Our attraction to Dragonberry is the color scheme. It’s great on its own or blended with other flowers. We feel it has a summer or fall flair. Who wouldn’t love a flower named after Dragons as well. Our children have been obsessed with dragons and this flower is a sweet reminder of them. Since our first year, this variety is welcomed back every year and planted in multiples.

Attributes of Dragonberry Dahlias

Height – 4 to 4.5 feet

Color – Fuchsia pink with yellow centers

Bloom Size – 4 to 5″

Bloom Style – Semicactus

Bloom Time – ~90 day