Peach Fuzz Dahlia

  • Fully open Peach Fuzz is a tangerine to peach colored spiky flower.
  • Three different blooms show the tangerine center and lighter exterior whirled petals.
  • This image captures the abundance of blooms on a single plant.
  • This image highlights the dark tangerine center of Peach Fuzz against a dark green back drop.
  • Up close look at Peach Fuzz Dahlias to show the curling petals and light peach outer petals.
  • Peach Fuzz Dahlia is muted soft peach colored.
  • A vase with two tangerine Peach Fuzz blooms on the right, two cream Cafe Au Lair blooms on the right and tucked under those four is one white Lady Liberty bloom.

We chose to grow Peach Fuzz Dahlias for their fun blooms and pale orange color. The center of each flower is a dark tangerine and they fade to a light orange peach color. This flower is a semi cactus style and we enjoy it for the fun texture it adds to the garden and the vase. Some blooms have weaker stems, but on the whole we find this flower works well in the vase. We have paired it with Cafe Au Lait and Holly Hill Black Beauty for a really striking bouquet. We have even tried over wintering this variety in the wet soggy soils of the Oregon Coast and were pleased to find it came back with vigor. We often plant more than one of this variety. As for tuber production in the fall, this variety is prolific and you are hard pressed to get to the stalk and divide. We often sacrifice a few tubers and start be splitting the mass in half. The tubers can be on the larger side at roughly 3-4 inch ovals.

Peach Fuzz was one of our original 30 dahlias and has a nice soft orange we appreciate in the garden. We love the density of blooms this plant makes and have fun adding it to all sorts of vases. We even managed to over winter some Peach Fuzz tubers in the wet Marine environment and the plant that came back was even bigger and produced insane numbers of blooms. Its a fabulous addition to the garden.

Attributes of Peach Fuzz Dahlias

Height – 4 feet

Color – Peachy Orange

Bloom Size – 3-4″

Bloom Style – Semicactus

Bloom Time – ~75 days

Kissed by a recent rain, this soft orange flower has droplets of water on the outer petals.
Similar in tone, but a informal decorate flower type, Honeymoon is a larger flower.