Lemon Tart Dahlia

  • Centered in the image is a medium toned yellow flower.
  • Lemon Tart Dahlia from the right side so the center is pointing to the left. It's a bright yellow.
  • Full sun center shot of a bright yellow Lemon Tart Dahlia that fills the image.
  • A younger Lemon Tart bloom has less curl to the petals that the center is a darker yellow. This flower fills the frame with green and pink in the back ground from the neighboring plant.
  • Here in full sun the curled semi cactus leaves of the yellow flower are obvious, along with a bumble bee busy at work on the exposed pollen at the center of the flower.
  • Lemon Tart flower fills the frame with a bumblebee pollinating the center.
  • This image shows several blooms with a red green house wall in the back ground.

Lemon Tart Dahlias are a compact plant that produces vivid yellow flowers. As a semicactus variety, the petals can curl as they move from the center outward. The flowers are four to five inches across. We waited 3 years to see this bloom and it was worth the wait. See the story below for our explanation as to why. One reason we selected this variety was because of the strong stem and angle of flowers that are good for arrangements. It’s also nice to put shorter dahlias in front of taller varieties, so there are flowers of multiple heights. When you stagger the height of plants in a flowerbed, it can give a fuller and more aesthetically pleasing presentation of blooms.

All Nichole’s childhood she had fresh lemons off her Grandparent’s lemon tree. The lemon tree was big and produced hundreds of lemons. In 2018, he grandfather passed. That was the first summer that we grew out 30 dahlias. Once everything was in bloom, we realized there was not a single yellow bloom. So in 2019 we looked for yellows to add to the garden. This small flower seemed just right and the name Lemon Tart seemed a sign that this would be a great plant. However, we purchased it at the Swan Island’s end of season sale. That first tuber produced a small plant, didn’t bloom and only made two eyed tubers. So it was nurtured the following year, but planted next to a dahlia that crowded Lemon Tart. Again, we saw a plant, a handful of tubers grown and no bloom. Finally this year we saw several blooms and have high hopes there will be good tuber production as well.

Attributes of the Lemon Tart Dahlias

Height – 2.5 feet

Color – Bright Yellow

Bloom Size – 4-5″

Bloom Style – Semicactus

Bloom Time – ~75 days

Yellow ball Polventon Supreme dahlia
A slightly less vivid yellow from Lemon Tart is Polventon Supreme. While Lemon Tart is a small plant, Polventon Supreme is very large.