Frank Holmes Dahlia

Frank Holmes Dahlias are soft lavender one inch pom pom blooms. The flower from a distance appears lavender, but up close you can see white petal base with lavender veining or blushed at the tips of the petal. Each petal is curled towards the center and makes a perky little ball. The plant is a tall robust bushy plant with numerous blooms. Its tall and can benefit from staking against the wind. This variety pumps our blooms constantly and although it tends to open centers, cutting early it would make a fun addition to the vase.

This is the first pom pom we added to the garden after seeing our sister-in-laws cute button flowers. Pom Pom dahlias are essentially a miniature dahlia that are 1-1.5 inches. Purples are one of Nichole’s favorite colors and so Franks Holmes seemed like the right choice. We like how large the plant grows and how many blooms it produces. It also seems to weather the coastal temps and storms well. Tuber production is solid and there are always many new tubers to divide in the fall.

Attributes of Frank Holmes Dahlias

Height – 4 feet

Color – Lavender

Bloom Size – 1 to 1.5″

Bloom Style – Pom Pom

Bloom Time – ~90 day

Vivid purple tiny pom pom dahlias in foreground with additional blooms in back ground.
Frank Holmes has a softer purple to it’s pom pom, while Dot Com has a darker purple color with hits of pink.