Jason Matthews Dahlia

  • THis image has the purple dahlia filling the frame.
  • In this image there is foliage and greenery surrounding the flower in the center of the image.
  • This image shows the plant with several blooms and buds. In the background are other plants. This plant shows Jason Matthews Dahlias. long stems.
  • This images shows a flower in the lower half of the image and a giant green leaf in the back ground, which provides a sharp contrast to the dark flower.
  • The best image to show the darker purple hues of the Jason Matthews Dahlias, this image has two blooms in the foreground and green plant in the back ground.

As a formal decorative bloom, Jason Matthews Dahlias have a symmetrical ball shape and are a petite flower. In darker light, the flower looks purple, but in bright light it can take on nearly fuchsia tones. The plant is a vigorous plant putting on many blooms and has really long stems. If harvesting this flower for cut arrangements, you will want to do so before the flower fully opens, as the center will show yellow once full bloomed. It produces numerous tubers in the fall for next years plantings.

This is a variety we added the second year we grew dahlias. At that time, the symmetrical and ball shapes were definitely a love for us. We have been pleased with the prolific blooms produced reasonably early in the dahlia growing season. We also have a family member with the name of Matthew, so this bloom serves as a reminder of that connection as well.

Attributes of Jason Matthews Dahlias

Height – 4 feet

Color – Purple

Bloom Size – 3-4″

Bloom Style – Formal Decorative

Bloom Time – ~90 days

This image of Diva is so zoomed, that the flower fills the whole frame and outer petals are cut off.
The color of Jason Matthews is similar to Diva, but is a much smaller bloom.