Charlotte Mae Dahlia

  • Two flowers fill the image. The centers are tight and white and outer petals a soft pink.
  • This image shows the center of the bloom and fills the frame. The hints of yellow/chartreuse are noticeable where the petals originate from the plant.
  • This full frame image of Charlotte Mae Dahlias shows the textured leaves in soft pink and white petals clustered in the center of the bloom angled to the upper right of the image.
  • This full frame image has the flower against dark green foliage displaying the informal decorative bloom style.
  • Charlotte Mae is white centers with hits of yellow and soft pick petals at the edges.
  • Charlotte Mae bloom in the shade to show the color difference of pink in low lights. It looks slightly more lavender pink in shade.
  • Cluster of blooms that show the early bud of a bloom in a mostly cream color with outlined petals.
  • Photo of tuber clumps from 2022 showing healthy crowns.

The softest pink with hints of white are the calling card of Charlotte Mae Dahlias. These plants are a bit more compact and bloom heavily. The blooms are a pleasing color to add to many different schemed bouquets. Outer petals are a soft pink and can appear outlined. The very center of the bloom is white and deep around the center there are often hints of yellow/chartreuse. We’ve noticed some times the initial bloom is really cream colored with an outline on the edge of the petal and then adds pink hues as it matures. Not every flower has the outline appearance. We really like this plant because of the number of blooms it cranks out. The plant has shown itself to be reliable and produces well even in crowded circumstance, however if it is surrounded by towering dahlia plants, it will slow bloom production. The cut life of the flower is several days and we have not had the bloom open it’s center and drop pollen. In a house full of people with allergies, the ability to hold its center closed is a desirable trait. If I had to reduce the number of dahlias I planted, Charlotte Mae Dahlias would make the keep list for sure.

One of the differences between Charlotte Mae Dahlias and Innocence Dahlias is in how the petals form. If you look at the images here, you will notice the inner petals of the flower below are curled towards the center. That is why Innocence is considered a waterlily dahlia bloom. Charlotte Mae pictured above is an informal decorative bloom and the petals do not curl/roll towards the center.

We have affinity for the name Charlotte. In the late 80’s Nichole was a young child spending a large amount of time with her Grandma Ruth. Ruth had rheumatoid arthritis in a very advanced state. Weekly, Ruth would get her hair done by a tall, spunky hair dresser named Charlotte. Many fond memories of time in the beauty parlor, watching and listening, are remembered when we hear the name Charlotte.

Attributes of Charlotte Mae Dahlias

Height – 4 feet

Color – Soft pink with white center

Bloom Size – 4″

Bloom Style – Informal Decorative

Bloom Time – ~90 days

Innocence Dahlias are a light pink waterlily bloom with hints of white in the center of the bloom.
Like Charlotte Mae but want a bigger bloom? Consider Innocence Dahlias as an alternative.