Crazy Love Dahlia

  • Image shows the robust quantity of blooms on this single plant.
  • Clusters of flowers on the plant.
  • Close up image that shows an almost cream tint to the petals with a more subtle pink hued highlight on the petal edge.
  • Sun drenched flower that is more white and less obvious stenciling around the petal.
  • Two flowers in the sun to show the subtle hint of lavender outline around the petals.
  • Back lit Crazy Love dahlias with white petals and lavender outlines on the petals.
  • This flower has more purple presenting in on the edges, was grown in 2021. The seasonal differences can impact the colors of blooms, even over the course of a summer.
  • Crazy Love Dahlia is white with blushed tips.
  • Taken back so the top of the plant is visible, this image has at least 8 blooms and stalks with bid for another 5 or 6.
  • Big tuber masses with healthy crowns from 2022

Crazy Love Dahlias have several unique features. They are white to cream colored and sport a lavender to pink stenciled outline to each petal. The center of the bloom sometimes had a green hue to it. The petals also can be forked at the tip or come to a point. The plant is a healthy producer of foliage and blooms, making plenty of blooms for vases and leaving some behind for the garden. We have been very impressed with this flower and like it similarly to Leila Savannah Rose Dahlias.

We added this tuber to our farm from another local farm. It was a similar color to our favorite Leila Savannah Rose (LSR), but the bloom is a different shape. Loving the color scheme, we were sad to find on of our LSR tubers rotted in winter storage. Worried we wouldn’t have this pretty color scheme, we picked up the Crazy Love tuber, only to discover a unlabeled tuber out of storage was our favorite Leila Savannah Rose. Sadly in 2022, we didn’t plant a Leila Savannah Rose, so we will be looking for a replacement for 2023.

Attributes of Crazy Love Dahlias

Height – 4 feet

Color – White with Lavender outlines

Bloom Size – 4-6″

Bloom Style – Informal Decorative

Bloom Time – ~90 day