First Kiss Dahlias

  • Several hot pink, spiky blooms run across the image, with leaves visible surrounding the flowers.
  • View of numerous plants fills 3/4 of the frame, with First Kiss in the main flower in the foreground.
  • A bloom sits against a grass background.
  • Three blooms held by the stems, stacked vertically.

First Kiss is a vibrant and vivid pink color giving away to white frosted tips. Many of the blooms will also present with a bit of white in the center (or softer pink). The blooms are 4-5 inches across and our plant heavily bloomed through the season. It made for a big splash of color in the garden and had nice stems. The blooms also seemed to be long lasting on the plant. We did not find we took many of these for the vase, although they are toted to have a good vase life and bloom early for those anxious to have blooms in the garden. The plant was a vigorous 4 foot plant and it produced an abundance of tubers in the fall.

We grew this variety for three years before we needed to make decisions on space and make room for new varieties. Looking at these pictures, Nichole is questioning why we stopped growing this variety. The color was fantastic. In the end, we needed the space, had another semicactus we liked the softer pink on, and so this one was ultimately cut from the garden to make space for others. There was nothing we hated about this dahlia, but personally are not big pink lovers.

Attributes of First Kiss Dahlias

Height – 4 feet

Color – Pink

Bloom Size – 4-5″

Bloom Style – Semicactus

Bloom Time – ~75 days

Taken a little closer to the bloom so the flower fills the frame; the center is tight and petals have opened. This flower is a medium toned light pink flower.
If you like First Kiss and don’t mind a bit of a wait, Miss Rose Fletcher is similar shape, but more muted pink and less white center/tips.