Hollyhill Black Beauty Dahlia
We fell in love with Hollyhill Black Beauty Dahlias and have planted several tubers each year to increased the yield of this flower. The plant is a big one producing many big blooms. The center of can be deep and dark, and the outer petals back lit look deep red. The blooms hold nicely in arrangements and as a large flower, they command attention in the garden and in the vase. They pair well with whites and green foliage, but in the fall can mix well with oranges to make an astounding fall themed bouquet. The plants can get quite large and require staking. They will lean towards the sun and shade out other dahlias planted near by. Tuber production has always been nice.
Many of the blooms in our garden are planted to remind us of people we know and love. Hollyhill Black Beauty Dahlias hold special meaning in a few ways. Its color is the perfect deep burgundy that our best friend in Pocatello, Idaho loves. Our Pocatello friend is the one who taught Nichole about horses and sold Arrow to Nichole. Arrow is the horse that inspired the name of the garden. Isn’t it perfect that this flower has the name on a special black horse better known for saving his master by refusing to cross a bridge while pulling a buggy. Black Beauty was a hero in the book and is a hero in our garden.
Attributes of Hollyhill Black Beauty Dahlias
Height – 4 to 5 feet
Color – Deep Red
Bloom Size – 6″
Bloom Style – Informal Decorative
Bloom Time – ~90 days