Ivanetti Dahlia

  • Taken from the side, this flower shows the ball form and purple color of the bloom.
  • Taken from the rigth side with the bloom angled to the left. The dark purple ball flower of Ivanetti Dahlias.
  • Early in the bloom phase with tightly packed center petals, this bloom fills the image.
  • Taken in low light, the camera picks up almost magenta color for this typical purple ball dahlia.
  • This image shows a bloom in the upper left and another in the lower right corner. These blooms are early in the process and are just starting to adopt the ball shape.
  • Taken from the left of the flower with the bloom angled to the right shows the symmetry of the petals in the ball dahlia.
  • With the dahlia patch in the background, two Ivanetti Dahlias are centered in the lower half of the frame to show the form of the ball.

Ivanetti dahlias are powerful bloomers producing a nice dark purple ball flower on long stems. We think the blooms last a good time in the vase and the plant cranks out blooms like no tomorrow. The plant is vigorous and healthy. This variety does not tend to get leggy unless there is a nutrient deficiency or not enough light. It has produced numerous tubers for dividing in the fall. It also stores well and we have not had problems with loss of tubers.

This happened to be one of the first varieties we added. It did so well, and we liked the form that we also added Jason Matthews. The color is striking and a bit deeper than Jason Matthews and the blooms are a bit larger. This variety will always have a place in our garden because it is such an aggressive bloomer and color looks great in bouquets all year long. Many others we have talked to that have this variety also love this particular variety. For several years this one bloomed a little on the early side of average, but in the year of 2022 our plant had some delays due to the wet spring and it was one of the last blooms to show. As such, we think that all struggling and slow plants deserve a boost of nitrogen rich food in the first 6 weeks of summer and then support with a bloom food in the fall.

Attributes of Ivanetti Dahlias

Height – 3.5 to 4 feet

Color – Purple

Bloom Size – 3-4″

Bloom Style – Ball

Bloom Time – ~90 days

This images shows a flower in the lower half of the image and a giant green leaf in the back ground, which provides a sharp contrast to the dark flower.
A more petite and lighter version of Ivanetti is the Jason Matthews dahlia. However Jason Matthews tends to pop it’s center.