Karma Prospero Dahlia
Karma Prospero Dahlias are sought after for bouquets for their long stems. The pink flowers have lavender veining and end in a lavender tip. The stalks are very long. The plants have consistently grown small, whether that is from soil, temperature on the coast, or genetics. Tuber production has also been somewhat weak and we do not get many blooms off of a single plant. As such, we think this dahlia lacks some of the characteristics we like to have in a dahlia patch. However, the blooms that are produced are sensational.
We chose Karma Prospero because we wanted long stems for making arrangements. We were also looking for more pinks to add to the dahlia patch and the veining of this bloom was attractive for flower dimension. We also seem to be attracted to the water lily blooms.
The honest moment of this dahlia is we have really worked to make this variety grow and thrive. It could be the marine environment. It could be the plant genetics. We reached out to the farm we bought ours from and asked why they don’t list it for sale anymore. The response matched what we found, the stalks and blooms are great and everything Karma Prospero is known for, but the tuber production and plant are not great. As such, if you are just getting into growing dahlias, we do not recommend this fickle little variety. However if you are up for a total prima donna in the garden and want to work to grow a variety, this dahlia will challenge your gardening skills.
Note: This variety is not a variety for a beginner.
Patented dahlias are real and Karma Prospero is one that is under patent. Any sales are required to pay royalties. Karma Prospero was patented in 2005 and that patent should expire in 2025. Buyers are not accountable for royalties but sellers are. We will continue to get to know this variety before trading and or selling. Want to read more? Look at https://patents.google.com/patent/USPP16962P2/en?q=Karma+dahlia&oq=Karma+dahlia
Attributes of Karma Prospero Dahlias
Height – 2.5 feet
Color – Pink with Lavender
Bloom Size – 4″
Bloom Style – Waterlily
Bloom Time – 90 days