Vixen Dahlias

  • Taken from the side of the flower, this bloom is in full bloom with the vivid red petals closed at the center, but 3 whorls are open. s
  • Just starting to open, this Vixen Dahlia is bright red.
  • Just starting to open, this bloom has bright red outer petals. In the background a yellow Lemon Tart accents the red.
  • This image is taken from the top to show the sun highlighting the red petals.
  • Taken from the right side with the center of the bloom facing left, the bright red petals and bloom fill the frame with green leaves in the background.

Vixen Dahlias bring a deep vivid bright red to the garden on a compact plant. The plant produces long stems which are good for cutting. We are still getting to know this variety and how it grows on the Oregon Coast. Our plant didn’t get a fair shake the first year. We grew it in one of our raised beds and planted shallow with the intent of top dressing with steer manure. It took us months to get to adding the steer manure and the heavy feeding dahlias in that bed just didn’t quite have enough nutrients. Once we corrected the issue, all plants really took off and started looking great. So while this variety is supposed to be an early bloomer, in our garden it was a “tardy to the party” and we were wondering if we would even get to see a bloom before the first frost. We were pleasantly surprised to see the tubers this plant created were all very circular and about 2-3 inches in diameter.

In the summer of 2021, we visited Swan Island Dahlias Summer Festival. To walk through acres of giant blooms is something every dahlia lover should do at least once, but be warned. You will walk away with a new list of plants to add to your garden. That’s how we discovered Vixen. We were looking for a really bright red and to add a few more border dahlias.

Attributes of Vixen Dahlias

Height – 3 feet

Color – Red

Bloom Size – 4″

Bloom Style – Formal Decorative

Bloom Time – ~75 day

The flower fills the frame with dark green foliage in the back ground making the flower look on fire.
Vixen has a solid bright red flair, but Cooper Blaine looks like flames in a fire.