Day Dreamer Dahlia
Day Dreamer Dahlias have a soft romantic style. The water lily blooms have a soft yellow petals in the center that become peach orange at the outer petals. It grows a sturdy 4 food plant that supports the larger 4-5 inch blooms perfectly. This flower works well in summer bouquets and blends with pinks, purple, and yellows well. However in the fall, it pairs nicely with oranges and reds.
We started growing this tuber in 2022 because we were looking for more yellow in the garden. As a child, Nichole was often known as a day dreamer, lost in her own world – often times dreaming of the garden she would have one day or the barn she wanted to build. When looking for yellows to add to the garden, we were attracted to this larger flower as well as the name.
Attributes of the Day Dreamer Dahlias
Height – 4 feet
Color – Yellow that fades to Peach Orange
Bloom Size – 4-5″
Bloom Style – Waterlily
Bloom Time – ~90 days