Diva Dahlia

  • Taken against a green backdrop, this purple Diva dahlia is bright purple with a hint of fushia tones.
  • This flower is in the top of the frame and is a purple. bloom.
  • Diva Dahlias are a dark purple and this one is in the center of the frame slightly angled down.
  • Diva Dahlia photo from slightly below the photo showing a bloom about 3/4 open.
  • In the lower frame you can see rich brown soil and the leaves of the plant holding a lone stalk to a large purple flower that sits in the top 2/3 of the frame.
  • This image of Diva is so zoomed, that the flower fills the whole frame and outer petals are cut off.
  • Photo of tubers showing mother, new tubers and healthy crowns.

Diva Dahlias produce a nice dark purple flower. On the coast, the blooms tend to be a little smaller and pinching buds can help the plant invest more energy to main stems. It produces nice tubers in the fall. The plant can be leggy if not pinched in the spring. Although she is supposed to bloom at 90 days, its seems she is a little delayed on the coast and takes a bit more time to open up and shine.

Diva was one of our original 30 and is the flower that inspired us to start a local Facebook group for gardeners who live in Clatsop County.

Attributes of Diva Dahlias

Height – 4 feet

Color – Purple

Bloom Size – 4-6″

Bloom Style – Formal Decorative

Bloom Time – ~90 day

This images shows a flower in the lower half of the image and a giant green leaf in the back ground, which provides a sharp contrast to the dark flower.
A smaller flower in similar tones to Diva is Jason Matthews