Irish Glow Dahlia

  • Taken from the side, the flower sits angled right and shows the opening petals.
  • A thumb in the photo for scale to show the size of this flower.
  • Bud nearly full open has tight center petals still and is filling the frame of the picture.
  • Irish Glow is a fiery red color and this bloom is centered in the image.
  • This shows two Irish Glow Dahlias, one near the camera and one in the distance.
  • In the top left corner and bottom right corner are wo bright blooms. Between them are leaves.

Cute as a button, with lots of spice are the Irish Glow Dahlias. As a pom pom variety, they are only a little over an inch in size. The plant is another shorter variety that could work as a border dahlia.

Irish Glow was added because of years of obsession with the picture in the Swan Island Catalog, a obsession with Pom Poms and a love of the Irish. Who says you can’t judge a book by its cover or it’s title. We took our honeymoon in Ireland and have Irish family heritage. So it seemed like the shape, the color, and the name were all right in line with who we are at Wildhorse Gardens.

Attributes of Irish Glow Dahlias

Height – 3.5 feet

Color – Orange/Red

Bloom Size – 1.5″

Bloom Style – Pom Pom

Bloom Time – ~90 days

This image shows the yellow petals and red outer lining, which makes the flower look fiery.
Fiery with a hint more yellow, Mardi Gras has the same shape as Irish Glow, but in a larger bloom.