Andrew Charles Dahlia
Andrew Charles Dahlias produce blooms as big as their name. This is a flashy orange flower with a solid coloration. The plant is a decent sized 4 inch plant and could benefit from pinching early season for a bushier plant. In the marine climate, we found if this variety is planted late, it will produce a few tubers and not necessarily get to blooming. Planted earlier it produces nicely. We have also found that it blooms a little later than most of the dahlias that bloom at 90 days. We have staked this variety, but it has not gotten so heavy that it feels necessary.
We’d love to say that there is a meaningful reason for choosing this variety for our garden. The blooms are beautiful and we do seem to be attracted to this style of dahlia. The reality is this was an end of the season sale tuber and we were looking for a solid orange flower that was not a ball. The first year we planted this, it was planted late because it came from the end of season sale. We haven’t gotten to enjoy the blooms until summer 2022.
Attributes of Andrew Charles Dahlias
Height – 4 feet
Color – Orange
Bloom Size – 4-6″
Bloom Style – Informal Decorative
Bloom Time – ~100 days